Express Entry

Who is it for?

Express Entry is an online system that we use to manage applications for permanent residence from skilled workers. 

How Does it Work?

You create an Express Entry profile where you give the IRCC information about yourself.

If you’re eligible, they’ll accept you into our pool of candidates.

You’ll be ranked in the Express Entry pool using a points-based system. Your score is based on the information in your profile.

Invitation to Apply

The IRCC sends invitations to apply to the candidates with the highest scores in the pool. If you are invited to apply, you’ll have 60 days to submit your application for permanent residence.

The IRCC will process complete applications that have all the supporting documents in 6 months or less.

The Express Entry process can be very simple to follow for some and very complex for others. Working with an immigration consultant or a lawyer could help you increase your understadning fo the factors in the comprehensive ranking system to make sure that you get the maximum score attached to your Express Entry profile.  Feel free to request an appointment with one of our immigration practitioners.


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